We Have Some Exciting Services On The Way

Coming Soon

We celebrate diversity and believe every person is beautiful in their own way. Our goal is to keep your original beauty and only enhance it so that you look the best version of yourself and maybe even 5-10 years younger.


(Botox and Dysport)

Reduce wrinkles and facial lines due to aging and/or stress. Results range from 2-6 months depending on the product used.

Coming Soon!

Dermal Fillers

Improves the appearance of facial folds and lines, fills the lips, and cheeks. Results range from 10-24 months depending on the product used.

Coming Soon!

Polydioxanone (PDO) Threads
(Facial Rejuvenation)

Dissolvable threads that promotes the building of collagen and is used for lifting and smoothing the skin. The PDO Thread Lift procedure safely and instantly lifts up loose skin on the face, neck and the body with minimal downtime. Results range from 12-24 months.

Coming Soon!

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Volumize, contour, lift and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, hair replacement. PRP is an injectable treatment that has become very popular due to its ability to naturally rejuvenate the skin and repair the signs of aging by using your own platelet rich blood cells. PRP is effective at rejuvenating skin around the eyes, scars, facial lines and wrinkles, hair restoration, and neck.

Coming Soon!

Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid)

A non-surgical injectable for reducing moderate to severe fat on the upper neck, otherwise known as a double chin; leaves skin substantially tighter and the jaw more defined and contoured. Up to 6 treatments may be needed, each treatment given 4-6 weeks apart.

Coming Soon!